
Our Diversity Commitment

top-diversityRockwell Financial Group is a proud member of Diversitybusiness.com. For 2014, the firm has been recognized by the organization as a top diversity business. For the past 10 years, Rockwell Financial Group has been named among Colorado’s top 50 diversity companies and, for the past seven years, as one of the nation’s top 500 diversity-owned businesses by Diversitybusiness.com.

Top 50:
Rockwell Financial Group is honored to have been ranked 9th among top 50 Diversity Owned Businesses
Top 100:
Rockwell Financial Group is 3rd among the top 100 Women-Owned Businesses in Colorado by Diversity Business.
Top 100:
Rockwell Financial Group was named by WE Magazine, as one of the largest 100 female-owned companies in the country for FY2003 to FY2013.