Rockwell is a proud member of the Equipment
Leasing and Finance Association.
Mission Statement And
The Association exists to promote and serve the general interests of the equipment
leasing and finance industry.
Information, Communication and Networks:
The Marketplace, Market Strategies and Industry Developments.
Representation and Promotion:
Public Support for equipment Leasing and Finance in the Capital Investment Process.
Management Resources
and Professional Competency:
Informed Equipment Leasing and Finance Practitioners and Industry Resources.
Develop and Deliver Training
and Educational Activities Leading to a Higher Level of Equipment Leasing and Finance
Knowledge and Practice.
Industry Unity and Strength:
Common Values and Principles,
Member Directed.
Rockwell is
a proud member of the Women's Business Enterprise National Council.
Rockwell Financial Group was extremely honored to have its application for
membership approved by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). The WBENC is the nation's
leading third-party certifier of women's business enterprises (WBEs). As a
certified member, Rockwell and the WBENC through the national network of women's
business organization will work with its clients to incorporate the benefits of
this WBENC affiliation. As a female owned financial
services company, Rockwell is able to assist its customers in meeting
supplier diversity procurement requirements.
In 2006 Rockwell Financial
Group was awarded Supplier of the Year Tier III.
In 2005 Rockwell Financial
Group won WBE Advocate of the Year.
In 2004 Rockwell
Financial Group was nominated as a finalist for the WBENC – West “Supplier
of the Year” annual award presented to the top female owned company of the
year for top revenue and service to large corporate accounts.
Rockwell was named by
WE Magazine, as one of the largest 100 female owned companies in the country
for FY2003 to FY2007.

Rockwell is a proud member of
Formerly and launched in 1999, contains members of Women
and Minority owned businesses throughout the United States that provide goods
and services to Fortune 500 companies, Government agencies and Colleges and
Universities. The site has gained national recognition and has won numerous
awards for its site content and design. is produced by Computer
Consulting Associates International Inc ( of Southport, CT. The
Small Business Administration (SBA) in 2001 presented its annual award for
the Nation's Top Diversity owned business to CCA for its development of and its commitment to business development for Diversity
business owners. Diversity owned businesses contribute over $1.4 trillion in
sales to the U.S. economy.
Rockwell has been named among Colorado’s top 50 Diversity companies by Furthermore, the Company has also been recognized
nationally as one of the nation’s top 500 diversity owned businesses for the
past 5 years.